Isaiah 55:6 - “Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:”
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For Sunday's teaching (09/15/2024): Exodus

For Wednesday's teaching (09/18/2024): 2 Corinthians

A favorite song: Bring Them Home

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SUNDAY SERVICE: At Calvary Chapel Macedon at 10 a.m.

WEDNESDAY SERVICE: At Calvary Chapel Macedon at 7 p.m.

POT FAITH LUNCH: Held the last Sunday of every month at the church after the service. It's a great time of fellowship and to be fed with the Word and with food. Everyone brings a dish to pass (if you are unable to that's alright, the Lord will multiply as he did in Matthew 14). It is called a "pot faith" because as believers and followers of Jesus Christ, we do not believe in luck!

COMMUNION: Held at every Sunday Service and the first Wednesday Service of the month.